Against one-dimensional ethics

totalizing: treating disparate parts as having one character, principle, or application. (Oxford Languages / Google Dictionary) “Totalizing ethics” might be a better way to say what I’m against here.

Philosophical ethics is often divided into three leading approaches: virtue ethics, consequentialism, and deontology. This division leaves options out, especially if you take each of these three approaches to be totalizing: to claim, as they often do, that all of ethics can be founded on the roots identified by that approach.

For virtue ethics, the roots of ethics lie in certain characteristics of the ethical agent. These include virtues, “practical wisdom”, which roughly amounts to knowing how to apply and balance virtues, and in most theories “flourishing”. Flourishing – and this quickly gets murky and controversial – is about how well an agent’s life goes. Here, “how well it goes” is already an ethically laden concept, not defined entirely by some simple metric such as how the agent rates it or how pleasant the agent’s life is.

For consequentialists, the roots of ethics lie in good consequences. Actions are right if they lead to good consequences and avoid bad ones, and likewise virtues are worth cultivating if they lead to good consequences and not bad. Consequentialisms differ over what counts as good consequences – happiness? Preference satisfaction? But set those differences aside for now. The most important point is that all other moral verdicts are to be derived from an overall score of good achieved and bad results avoided.

Deontological ethics is focused on duty. It attempts to divide actions into categories of morally prohibited, required, or permitted. Within the permitted actions, some are usually regarded as “supererogatory”, meaning morally good but not required; above and beyond the call of duty. The good results that consequentialists are concerned with usually find their main home here in deontological theories. And of course, character development can be considered a duty by the deontologist.

If this seems like a false trilemma to you, I say: exactly. When we are reasoning together about how to live with each other, there is no need to choose between virtues, good consequences, and rules of behavior. We need all three. Nor is it possible to pick any one of these foundations and adequately explain the other two in a purely derivative way. I won’t even try to survey a good sample of major attempts here – that would take a series of books. I’ll just say that I find them unconvincing. You can, for example, cook up a list of deontological duties that pays sufficient attention to good consequences and virtue development, but then it just looks like an attempt to sneak consequences and virtues in by the back door. Or you can try to derive everything from the Categorical Imperative, which would give ethics a crystalline unity, except for one minor detail: it doesn’t work. You can’t get here (ethics as we know and love it) from there. And equally importantly, why should you try?

Maybe this is a reason people try: if we don’t derive ethics from a single underlying principle, how are we supposed to resolve uncertainties and disagreements? I have a two part answer, the first of which is: sometimes you don’t. Ethics doesn’t have infinite precision, and sometimes there isn’t a uniquely right answer to an ethical question (and it’s not that there is one but we don’t know what it is, although that too can happen).

The other part I already gave: When we are reasoning together about how to live with each other, we are doing ethics. We propose virtues, goals/consequences, and rules, among other things, and listen carefully to objections and counter-proposals, looking for mutually acceptable resolutions. Mutually acceptable meaning acceptable to those who are interested in dialogue and getting along – not necessarily acceptable to psychopaths. We try to watch out for con artists who propose items that advantage themselves with no actual regard for anyone else. We rinse and repeat, ad nauseam and ad infinitum.

The dialogue is never done, both because agreement is incomplete and because of the possibility of error. We might fail to reason correctly, missing opportunities to make everyone in our society better off. We might unjustly impose a biased structure that benefits our own sub-group, telling ourselves that we heard the other sub-groups but their objections were incoherent.

Ethics does depend on the members of society who will be bound by it, but only after such errors are corrected. Ethics is complex because people are. This implies something that might be called a kind of “moral relativism” – insofar as different groups of people generally have differences that make different ways of relating reasonable for them – but not the idea that usually goes by that term. The latter being the idea that whatever a given society says, is automatically moral, for them. No; ethics is a social construct, but it can be well or poorly constructed. Usually, it still needs some work.

Clarke-Doane on ethics and mathematics

He’s contrasts them – kinda. So do I, but for different reasons. Here are the two bottom lines from Justin Clarke-Doane’s paper “The ethics–mathematics analogy” in Philosophy Compass 2019:

This argument is a kind of radicalization of Moore’s Open Question Argument. … The point … is that an agent may know that A is F, for any property, F, whether descriptive or ethical, while failing to endorse A. … if the argument works, it works for any normative properties, whether ethical, epistemic, prudential, or all-things-considered.

In general, if one is an ethical anti-realist on the basis of epistemological considerations, then one ought to be a mathematical anti-realist too. And, yet, ethical and mathematical realism do not stand or fall together. Ethical questions, insofar as they are practical, cannot fail to be objective in a way that mathematical questions can.

But what does he mean by “practical” near the end of the second passage? Clarke-Doane repeatedly refers to “whether to do” what the ethical (or epistemic or prudential) norm says to do. Apparently a “practical” question is one that settles whether to do X, for some particular X.

Before we evaluate whether “whether to do X” questions can “fail to be objective”, I should explain how certain mathematical questions can fail to be objective, on Clarke-Doane’s view. That is because mathematical pluralism is true of at least some mathematical domains. (I know little about philosophy of mathematics, but I must say I find mathematical pluralism highly plausible.)

Clarke-Doane: “Just as Euclidean and hyperbolic geometries are equally true, albeit true of different structures, the mathematical pluralist maintains that foundational theories, like (pure) set theories, are too. It is as though the most uncompromising mathematical relativism were true.” And: “At first approximation, mathematical pluralism says that any (first-order) consistent mathematical theory is true of the entities of which it is about.” On this basis Clarke-Doane concludes that mathematics, if pluralists are correct, is truth-bearing but not objective. I’ll take this as partially definitive of what “objective” means here. So I guess this means: if you get to pick which theory to use, it’s not “objective”.

How might one conceive or defend an ethical pluralism comparable to mathematical pluralism? Clarke-Doane asks us to consider an “ethics-like” system ethics*, which has slightly different norms and as a result tells us not to do some particular X that ethics tells us to do. Then we might wonder whether to do what ethics tells us to do in the situation, or what ethics* tells us to do. As for why ethical pluralism might be defensible, Clarke-Doane suggests that Cornell Realism implies it, as do moral functionalism and Scanlon’s metaethical views. I call my own view “Cornell Constructivism”, but that’s for another time.

Of Clarke-Doane’s two bottom lines, I agree with the first and a small part of the second. The first was that one can accept that A is F, for any normative property F, and yet not endorse it. But this undercuts Clarke-Doane’s claim in the second bottom line that ethics is “practical” in his sense. Of course it may be practical for some people – ethical people. Highly ethical people may see no daylight between concluding that an act is right, and endorsing it and going for it. On the other hand, extremely sociopathic people might see no attraction at all in the ethical. And turning to philosophical thought-experiments, it seems easy to conceive a demon who regards the ethical as a property to be avoided at any cost.

Clarke-Doane might reply that you either do X, or do not, and that is what makes it objective. But that you do X (or not) does not imply that you ever evaluated X at all. I’m really not sure what Clarke-Doane is getting at, and I worry that I’ve overlooked a better interpretation. But I can find no interpretation that truly logically connects from “ethics is practical” to “it cannot fail to be objective” and also makes both plausible.

I agree all too much that “ethical and mathematical realism do not stand or fall together” – too much to have nearly as much patience with the ethics-mathematics analogy as Clarke-Doane does. Ethics is bound up with experience in ways that make the analogy a non-starter. Ethics is about how we can flourish and get along. We who address ethical reasoning and justifications to each other. We who accept or reject these reasons and justifications, and propose alternatives. In order to determine whether our interlocutors can reasonably accept our proposals, we have to study and listen to them. In order to check whether we reasonably make the proposals, we have to study ourselves – and our common humanity will allow this to shed light on others.

Ethics isn’t a priori. It’s mired in empirical learning.

Justin Clarke-Doane has done philosophy an enormous favor by radicalizing – to the point of absurdity – Moore‘s Open Question Argument. Even Moore’s own “simple non-natural property” of goodness fails to pass Moore’s own test. We can agree that an act has Moorean Goodness and still wonder whether to do it. But if no normative property can conceivably pass the test, this shows that the test is not an appropriate test of normativity. There is no pure normativity – “pure” meaning utterly empty of descriptive content – to be had in this or any other universe.

We can endorse an action as prudent, or ethical. We can endorse an inference as logical. We can endorse a theory as epistemically virtuous. In none of these cases are we simply saying “yay, action/inference/theory!” In none of them are we purely expressing approval, or an intention to act/infer/theorize. There is additional information we are implying.

We can of course just endorse. Endorse without an “as” (as ethical, as logical, etc.). Endorsing, that is, without any value judgement. But that’s not normativity.